Kings Highway and Clyde Mountain closure
Written by Gordon Waters on July 31, 2021
UPDATE 16/8/2021
John Barilaro.
Since 2019 there have been multiple Natural Disaster declarations in Eurobodalla Shire for storm, flood and bushfire events. These disasters have highlighted the need for the state road network to be safe and reliable and to ensure that roadside maintenance is adequate.
In early 2021 an arborist report identified approximately 400 high risk trees on the Clyde Mountain Pass section of the Kings Highway. These trees were badly burnt in the 2019/20 bushfires and have become significantly less stable due to the effects of storms and flooding. The identified trees must be removed as they pose a safety risk to road users and workers.
Transport for NSW will remove these trees under full road closure of the Kings Highway at Clyde Mountain. The closures will be in place from late August to mid November 2021, weather permitting.
More Info:
For further information about this project contact:
Email: [email protected]
Mail: Kings Highway Clyde Mountain Closure, PO Box 477, Wollongong NSW 2520
Phone: 1800 862 116