Heart of the Storm

Braidwood FM December 3, 2022

Heart of the Storm

Podcast Series


Braidwood FM is proud to share an original six-part podcast series titled THE HEART OF THE STORM, documenting our community’s experience of the Black Summer. Told entirely by local voices, the stories in the series illuminate the true grit and community spirit of those in our region.


Danny King, Braidwood RFS Senior Deputy Captain, and contributor to the project, says: “It is important it is recorded to show how a community can come together to stand and fight for a common cause and to support each other under extremely challenging circumstances. It certainly demonstrated the resilience of the local and broader community.”

Over 170 members of our community have been interviewed for the project, and these voices have been woven into six half-hour audio documentaries. “It has been an honour to sit with so many locals and listen to their memories,” says Clare Young, creator of the series. “What shines through is the power in community – when disaster strikes humanity rises up – I find that very moving”. “Braidwood FM became a lifeline for our community through the Black Summer”.  For episode trailers and updates, you can follow HEART OF THE STORM on Facebook.







Episode 1/The March to Town


On the 29th of November 2019, the Black Range Fire escaped the national park and threatened the rural township of Braidwood, NSW, Australia. Local residents, friends and family risked their lives on the frontline to protect the community. This is their story.

Created by Clare Young with the Bombay and Braidwood Community
Produced by Braidwood FM, Rose Ricketson and Gordon Waters.
Sound Design by Nick Munnings
Music and composition by Michael Simic and Rachel Johnston


Episode 2/ The Good People of Nerriga 


Phil and Sarah, the publicans of the Nerriga Hotel, sheltered their community from a firestorm as fire fighters battled the blaze on the 21st of December, 2019.

Created by Clare Young with the Nerriga Community
Produced by Braidwood FM, Rose Ricketson and Gordon Waters.
Sound Design by Nick Munnings
Music and composition by Michael Simic


Episode 3/ Waiting to Burn


On the 4th of January 2020 when the Currowan fire ripped through Merricumbene, a small parish in lower Araluen, local residents had to improvise, relying only on themselves and each other to keep safe.

Created by Clare Young with the Merricumbene community.
Produced by Braidwood FM, Rose Ricketson and Gordon Waters.
Sound Design by Nick Munnings
Music and composition by Michael Simic and Hamish Hudson


Episode 4/ Giant Footsteps


When residents of Mongarlowe were left with very little resources to protect their village and surrounds, new leaders emerged, and the community was galvanised.

Created by Clare Young with the Mongarlowe community.
Produced by Braidwood FM, Rose Ricketson and Gordon Waters.
Sound Design by Nick Munnings
Music and composition by Michael Simic and Nick Munnings


Episode 5/ True Heart


Local wildlife, left without food or water in burnt landscapes, received care from a network of volunteers. This episode explores the power of care and collaboration in looking after country and community.

Created by Clare Young and the Braidwood Community.
Produced by Braidwood FM, Rose Ricketson and Gordon Waters.
Sound Design by Nick Munnings Music and composition by Michael Simic and Kelly Sturgiss.



Episode 6/  BRAIDWOOD 2040 


When Jake and Ange lost their home to the Black Range Fire, the Braidwood community rallied to support them. Now, they bring people together at an event titled BRAIDWOOD 2040 to discuss visions for the future.


Created by Clare Young with the Braidwood community.
Produced by Braidwood FM, Rose Ricketson and Gordon Waters.
Sound Design by Nick Munnings

Music and composition by Michael Simic, Jake Annetts and Angela Hunter


This podcast is brought to you by Braidwood FM and the generous support from Braidwood Community Bank, The Braidwood Community Help Fund and the Queanbeyan Palerang Regional Council.

This project has been created and produced on the lands of the Yuin Nation.
We give thanks to elders past, present and future for ongoing caretaking of 
lands, waters, and community.

The title of this series is drawn from an essay by Yolande Norris “Disaster’s Hearth” and is used with permission. Read the full piece here: https://yolandenorris.com.au/2020/12/01/disasters-hearth/



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