Month: November 2021

Braidwood FM has been successful in securing a grant to improve our energy efficiency practices and lower our energy bills. This is provided by The Australian Government and we were invited to apply by our Member for Eden-Monaro, Kristy McBain. This grant will allow us to Install Solar Panels onto our studio to help reduce […]

With Thanks to the CBF, we have received a grant of $5600.00 for the connection of our diesel generator to our transmitter, to enable it to automatically start on mains failure, this will be after the UPS has run the system immediately after a mains failure. This will mean the Braidwood FM transmitter can run […]

No, he isn’t 20 years old, but he has been in Community Radio for 20 years, having started with QBN-FM Queanbeyan in 2001. He started with a country music program, “Today’s Country”, which continued on Braidwood FM and 2NVR Nambucca Valley Radio, and in 2002 he began his “Flashback” program and his “Flashback Featured Artist” […]

Slope remediation work to commence  Slope remediation work as part of the second stage of National Disaster Recovery on the Kings Highway at Clyde Mountain will start on Monday 15 November and will be complete by Thursday 16 December, weather permitting. Work will be carried out at night from 7pm to 5am, Monday to Thursday. […]

Braidwood RSL Sub-Branch will be holding a small memorial today at 11am for remembrance day. Braidwood Memorial park corner of Wallace And Wilson street meet 10.45am for the service

Broadcast from Meet the Candidates QPRC 2021 Number of Councillors to be elected: 11 Groups Ungrouped candidates Group A: THE GREENS – KATRINA ANNE WILLIS Group B – MAREETA LOUISE GRUNDY Group C – MARGOT LIESELOTTE SACHSE Group D – STEFO TASKOVSKI Group E – KARUNA RATNA BAJRACHARYA Group F – KENRICK WINCHESTER Group G – […]

Good morning everyone, just a quick reminder that there is a RSL SUB-BRANCH meeting this Sunday at 1130am at the club. If your are a current member of the sub-branch, a current serving member of the ADF, a ex serving member of the ADF or just someone that would like to become a member, the […]

Join 207 other locals and help select which 5-6 local issues should be prioritised by the new Council. Last chance to have your say (BCA survey closes tomorrow 4/11)

In the last episode of the captivating ABC tv series, Fires, the series pays tribute to the role of community radio during the 2020 Summer bushfires. Noni Hazlehurst plays a community radio announcer who has been on air for two days as the bushfires surround a seaside community and turn day into night as smoke […]

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