Bushfire Stories

Written by on May 4, 2024

Bushfire Stories

The Street & ANU Presents
Bushfire Stories
The Collective Power of Community
Wellspring: Enquiry and Exchange
Thursday 16 May, 5:30pm

Tickets: Free, Bookings Essential

The Australian Black Summer of 2019-2020 saw devastation on an unimaginable scale and gave rise to stories of intense trauma and loss, but also of communities rallying together to overcome adversity. The voices from some of Australia’s worst-affected regional towns carry some of the strongest tales of cohesion, collaboration, and triumph.

Bushfire Stories invites Braidwood locals – Braidwood FM’s Gordon Waters, podcast creator Clare Young, and bushfire survivor Hamish Hudson – to join ANU researchers Catherine Travis and Ksenia Gnevsheva for a heartfelt discussion of the events of that summer and what The Heart of the Storm podcast revealed about the value of community connection, and how we can harness the power of storytelling as a wellspring of information and healing.

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