
Bushfire Stories The Street & ANU Presents Bushfire Stories The Collective Power of Community Wellspring: Enquiry and ExchangeThursday 16 May, 5:30pm Tickets: Free, Bookings Essential The Australian Black Summer of 2019-2020 saw devastation on an unimaginable scale and gave rise to stories of intense trauma and loss, but also of communities rallying together to overcome […]

The Film by Award winning Film Makers Matt Thane and Paul Hunitingford is now available of DVD to purchase for $5, with all proceeds going to The Braidwood Life Centre. Braidwood FM is part of this DVD and it’s a visual reminder of what we went through and how a community came together. You can […]

We’re back! After a quiet year just making films, we have some to show! Our new film is Community Radio and it shows the importance of local community radio stations. And our very own community radio station – 2BRW Braidwood FM – stars! You can get a sneak peek of Community Radio while it screens […]

  Filmmaker Clare Young was working in her studio in Braidwood when the Black Summer Bushfires arrived nearby. It was 2019 and Australia was just a few months shy of a global pandemic yet already grappling with a life-altering event. Like everyone affected by the Black Summer fires, Clare struggled to grapple with this terrifying […]

ABC Illawarra  / By Jessica Clifford and Justin Huntsdale Gordon Waters manages Braidwood FM with a handful of volunteers and was on air for months during the bushfires. (ABC News: Justin Huntsdale) Key points: Braidwood FM was the only local source of emergency broadcasting available to the town through the black summer fires Volunteers kept it on air for months on end […]

Three years ago today, Friday 29th November 2019, the Braidwood township was first threatened by the Black Range Fire. Cathie King waited in anticipation as Danny King and fellow Braidwood 1 crew members including Paul Clarke, Laura King, Harry Shoemark and Jack Murray fought the fire at Matt Hulse’s property, before being joined by further […]

We are thrilled to be launching HEART OF THE STORM — an original six-part podcast series documenting our community’s experience of the Black Summer Bushfires. Told entirely by local voices and proudly brought to you by Braidwood FM, the stories in this series illuminate the true grit and community spirit of those in our region. […]

A report that showcases the exceptional efforts made by Australian community media to support their local areas during recent fires, floods, and COVID-19. The report was prepared by the Community Broadcasting Association of Australia in partnership with the members of the Community Broadcasting Sector Roundtable. Read the full report:   CBAA_BeyondBroadcasting

From the Embers short radio series and podcast returns for a second season   4 April 2022 · News · Podcastinfo A second season of the CBAA’s From The Embers short radio series and podcast will soon be released.Two episodes from the first series won Bronze in the 2021 New York Festivals Radio Awards and was an inspiration for some […]

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