
Rob is the founder of Braidwood FM and was its President and Station Manager from its inception until he moved from Braidwood to Macksville on the mid-north coast in July 2015. There he spent 4 years on air on 2NVR Nambucca Valley Radio. He was a member of their committee during those 4 years, until […]

Now in his fifth year of presenting on 88.9 FM, Martin came to Braidwood from Tasmania where he was involved with Hobart FM (7THE). He is now presenting the Monday, Wednesday and Friday Morning Mixes, as well as occasionally filling in on Sunday Classics. This makes him the early bird of the station with all […]

Gavin has been a presenter on Braidwood FM since 2003 and presents varied programs each week. On Saturday Morning Gavin presents the Saturday Morning show, featuring Roger Hoskins our long time resident weather guru. On Saturday afternoons from 1pm to 4pm he presents “A Little Bit of This and That”, where you will hear everything […]

Bill joined in October 2022, having been on the Radio as a guest many times over the years, He now is a Presenter of Hot Topics, a new Talkback style of program engaging the community in “Hot Topics” of the time.  

Having been on Radio Basilisk in Switzerland and a Night Club Djay in France, Pascal has a varied musical knowledge and brings to Braidwood FM heavy Rock and Metal.   Thursday Nights from 6pm Pedal 2 The Metal.  

Barbara Jane Gilby grew up in a musical family (Anne, piano and oboe; Martin, french horn and Janet, viola) and graduated with a masters degree in violin performance from Boston University.  After about 20 years of working as a violinist in ensembles in Iceland, Germany and Tasmania she returned to her home town of Canberra […]

Rod presents a Book Reading every Monday at 4pm, when he reads from some classic novels.  

Bill has held senior positions in media, academia and government including managing the Commonwealth’s Indigenous Broadcasting Program for nine years. With hands-on broadcasting experience spanning 45 years, he has held board positions with seven community broadcasters, managed 6UVS FM (now RTR FM) and has operated his own rural telecommunications consultancy. Now retired on a small […]

Paul joined in May 2022, bringing the Powerzone to Braidwood FM

Paul joined in March 2022, bringing Prog Rock to Braidwood FM with The Mechie Show

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